Production Technology
The scientific competence field of production technology was highlighted as one of Dortmund’s strongest profile areas in the evaluation report. In particular, the importance of the successful cooperation with the TechnologieZentrumDortmund (TZDO) as well as with small and medium-sized enterprises in the city and the region was emphasized. "The scientific content of production technology is very visibly represented in its breadth and depth both at the universities (TU Dortmund University and Fachhochschule Dortmund - University of Applied Sciences and Arts) and in the research institutions, so that it is possible to speak of a lighthouse effect of Dortmund’s research in this field for Germany" (Expert Commission chaired by Prof. Manfred Prenzel 2018, p. 79).
The close networking of science and business is also the focus of activities in the Science Master Plan 2.0. In the past, this has already contributed significantly to the growth and development of the city of Dortmund as a science and business location. The institutes and chairs of the universities work cooperatively and interdisciplinary together with central scientific facilities and adjacent research institutes (ISAS, MPI, Fraunhofer IML, RIF, IfADo, ZfP). The close and long-standing contact with numerous industrial companies located in the region ensures a high level of application relevance and continuous technology transfer in the area of research, development and application.

Photo: TU Dortmund University/Roland Beage
Work Priorities:
Based on the evaluation report of the first Science Master Plan Science and the contemplations of the newly formed working group, the following focal points for action have been defined:
1. International Visibility
Increasing the international visibility of Dortmund’s scientific fields of competence is an overarching objective of the Science Master Plan 2.0 in order to achieve an even greater international attractiveness for Dortmund as a science location. The aim is to gain advantages in the recruitment of excellent scientists, in competitive international research programs and in the development of international research alliances at the highest level. The regular information about relevant international research successes should also point out connecting opportunities and also have a motivating effect for the establishment of new international top-level research.
2. Networking, Communication and Local Identification
The working group sees a central need for networking, communication and strenghthening the local cooperation of science and industry. This requires the definition of a communication strategy and exchange formats in order to inform the partners in a targeted, effective and sustainable manner and to bring them together, based on their different competences. This will enable a more targeted exchange of technology for research needs and joint project applications, as well as a close link between industry, research and teaching. Improving the attractiveness of the location is also intended to counteract the problems associated with the acquisition of skilled personnel and scientific experts.
3. Cross-institutional Research and Development Projects
In order to systematize cooperation and the exchange of technology, it is planned to bundle competencies on the basis of a specific production technology. A networked transfer and development project, e.g. on the topic of digitalization and additive manufacturing, offers the possibility of efficiently integrating many participating partners with their respective expertise. In addition to strengthening and accelerating the technology transfer to the local and regional industry, offers for scientific services are to be developed and a platform for an exchange of competences is to be established.
Working groups will be formed for the individual key topics. These will develop concrete objectives and sub-objectives, measures and implementation plans.
Overarching Objectives
The following overarching objectives for the scientific competence field of production engineering result from the potentials identified in the evaluation report and the discussion of the participating partners of the working group:
- Increasing the international visibility of production technology in Dortmund
- Improvement and systematization of networking, communication and local identification
- Establishment of a cross-institutional research and development project
Participating organizations
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Dirk Biermann (TU Dortmund University) &
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hesterberg (FH Dortmund)
Project profiles (in German):